Physio Control

Code • UI Design • Project Management

Even billion-dollar companies can’t get around the laws of physics.

Physio Control (now a division of Stryker) exists for one reason … to prevent the unnecessary loss of life from treatable cardiac arrest. This pioneering defibrillator manufacturer had a problem, though. Their sales teams were spending lots of time in shielded cath labs where web-based sales tools were useless.

Bulky corporate laptops and lack of connectivity meant sales teams were unable to collect data and present a compelling case to clients. A nimble solution was needed, and iPads were the answer. Now they just needed apps that didn't exist.

Months after I became the co-owner of Convey Studio, our conversations with Physio Control started to take off. Once we understood their problem, we knew it wasn’t just an app they needed. We were looking at a suite of applications sharing information through a centralized database that could provide powerful off-line tools to sales staff only capable of sporadic updates.

Over the next three years, we would work to develop a suite of applications managed through an enterprise app store loaded on company devices. An accompanying web backend provided unprecedented control of FDA-regulated sales literature for managers and usage data for marketing teams.

What to know more about what we built? Get in touch to discover the startling, clever innovations our apps brought to Physio Control.

Our applications needed to be nimble, legendarily reliable, fast, simple and also in German, if it wasn’t too much trouble. Server-side data management had to be dialed to make massive downloads as light as possible. Visual design had to be ruthlessly simple but compelling and on-brand.

Built on an early JS-based near-native framework (in the days before React Native), the applications were Android-ready to allow Physio Control to be device independent for smaller markets. This framework also allowed for rapid prototyping and easily deployable updates which were essential to Physio Control’s

Making mobile apps rarely save lives, but it can be a powerful tool to help those who do. The apps in the Physio Control App Store were innovative tools giving sales teams effective tools in the field and management unprecedented access to the performance of their sales team. The suite gave Physio Control rock-solid reporting and air-tight control over FDA compliance in the notoriously problematic area of sales literature.

Past work is great. New work is better.

If you are ready to make something amazing together, don't hesitate to reach out.